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    wcadmin posted in the group Songwriting

    2 years, 1 month ago

    Song writing is the process of creating a song, including the lyrics and melody. Notable songwriters include Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and Joni Mitchell, all known for their storytelling lyrics and poetic imagery. Other notable songwriters include Taylor Swift, known for her confessional and personal songwriting style, and Kendrick Lamar, known for his socially conscious and politically charged lyrics.

    To improve your songwriting and make it more appealing, polished, and professional, here are ten tips:

    1 You can start with a strong idea or concept. A clear idea will give your songwriting direction and purpose, whether it’s a personal experience, a political issue, or a fictional story.
    2 Experiment with different songwriting techniques. Try writing from different perspectives, using different rhyme schemes, and experimenting with chord progressions.
    3 Write from the heart. The best songs come from personal experience and emotion, so try to be honest and genuine in your writing.
    4 Read poetry and study the masters. Many famous songwriters, such as Bob Dylan, have been heavily influenced by poets like Robert Frost and William Shakespeare.
    5 Collaborate with other musicians and songwriters. Collaboration can bring new perspectives and ideas to your songwriting.
    6 Practice regularly. Like any skill, the more you practice songwriting, the better you will become.
    7 Get feedback. Share your songs with others and listen to their critiques. They will give you valuable insights on how to improve your songwriting.
    8 Take a break. Sometimes stepping away from your songwriting can help you come back with fresh ideas and renewed inspiration.
    9 Study the lyrics of your favorite songs. Pay attention to the themes, the structure, and the lyrics of songs you enjoy.
    10 Listen to a variety of music. By exposing yourself to different genres, you will be able to draw inspiration from various styles.

    By following these tips and studying the work of notable songwriters, you will develop your own unique style and create more polished and professional songs. Remember that songwriting is constantly learning, so keep going if your songs aren’t perfect at first. Keep practicing and experimenting, and yoursongwriting will improve over time.

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Grady Lucas

Admistrator / Writers Critique (site)

Writers Critique LLC
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When I first started writing, I was looking for a place to get feedback on my work. I wanted to find a community of writers who could help me improve my craft. But I quickly became frustrated with the sites I found. You know the ones that were either too superficial or too harsh.


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