The mystery genre is characterized by focusing on crime or murder and the subsequent investigation to solve the crime. Notable authors in the mystery genre include Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Gillian Flynn. These authors have different writing styles and strategies, but all effectively build suspense and keep readers guessing until the end.
Agatha Christie is known for her cleverly crafted plots and her use of red herrings to mislead readers. Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories are known for using logic and deduction to solve crimes. Gillian Flynn’s novels, such as “Gone Girl,” use unreliable narrators and twist endings to keep readers on their toes.
To appeal to the mystery audience, authors should focus on creating complex and intriguing plots, developing well-rounded and relatable characters, and building suspense throughout the story. Publishers can market to this audience by highlighting the book’s twists and turns and the author’s previous work in the genre.
Top 10 strategies for successfully appealing to the mystery market:
1 Create a complex and intriguing plot
2 Develop relatable and well-rounded characters
3 Build suspense throughout the story
4 Use red herrings to mislead readers
5 Utilize logical deduction or psychological insight
6 Use an unreliable narrator
7 Include a twist ending
8 Have a strong sense of setting and atmosphere
9 Use foreshadowing effectively
10 Create a sense of urgencySome of the most successful published titles in the mystery genre include Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express” and “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd,” Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl” and “Sharp Objects” and Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” and “The Hound of the Baskervilles.” Many of these titles have been adapted for film, including “Murder on the Orient Express,” “Gone Girl,” and “Sherlock Holmes.”