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    The romance novel genre is a popular and lucrative market, with authors such as Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, and Nicholas Sparks often topping bestseller lists. These authors often employ similar writing strategies, such as strong characterization, a focus on relationships and emotional conflicts, and a happy ending.

    To appeal to the romance…Read More

  • The true crime genre is a popular and growing genre characterized by detailed accounts of real-life criminal cases. Noteworthy authors in the true crime genre include Ann Rule, who is known for her book “The Stranger Beside Me” about serial killer Ted Bundy, and Truman Capote, who wrote “In Cold Blood” about the murder of a Kansas family. Both…Read More

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    wcadmin posted in the group Mystery

    The mystery genre is characterized by focusing on crime or murder and the subsequent investigation to solve the crime. Notable authors in the mystery genre include Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Gillian Flynn. These authors have different writing styles and strategies, but all effectively build suspense and keep readers guessing until…Read More

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    Serial fiction is a type of storytelling that is released in a series of installments, typically over a period of time. Notable authors in this genre include Charles Dickens, who wrote “The Pickwick Papers” and “Oliver Twist” in serialized form, and J.K. Rowling, who released the Harry Potter series in installments.

    These authors have different…Read More

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    wcadmin posted in the group Grammar

    English grammar is a set of rules that govern the way words are used to create sentences and communicate meaning. It includes the proper use of punctuation, verb tenses, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs and other constructs.

    Notable authors who adhere to grammar rules include Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, and George Orwell. These…Read More

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About Me

Grady Lucas

Admistrator / Writers Critique (site)

Writers Critique LLC
Founder and web developer (retired).


When I first started writing, I was looking for a place to get feedback on my work. I wanted to find a community of writers who could help me improve my craft. But I quickly became frustrated with the sites I found. You know the ones that were either too superficial or too harsh.


I saw a need for a different kind of writing critique site. One that was based on mutual respect.


So I created Writer’s Critique. It’s a place where writers can meet other writers, collaborate, and get feedback on their work. It’s also a place where you can learn from editors, publishers, and other experts in the field.


No gimmicks. No karma points. Just write.


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The road to hell is paved with adverbs.

Stephen King

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