Celebrating 50th Anniversary Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference

Celebrating 50th Anniversary Santa Barbara Writer's Conference

Photo courtesy of the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference (SBWC) By Bonnie Carroll The long awaited 50th Anniversary Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference came back bigger and better than ever, attracting a record number of participants from around the U.S., including members who have attended for over thirty years, as well as many first timers. The 2023 Santa Barbra Writers Conference was officially opened by Grace Rachow, SBWC Director, at the orientation meeting where members and writers from around the country settled in to experience a week of writing adventures from June 18-23. The schedule for this year’s conference was overflowing with impressive authors, poets, agents, film makers and a bevy of specialty magazine writers and newspaper columnists who shared their expertise in workshops, panels, private meetings with attendees, as well as sharing their personal writing experience as speakers at group banquets and gatherings. A 2023 kick-off dinner offered a delicious and congenial gathering place for attending conference writers to enjoy old friends, new introductions and compare notes. The dinner was followed by a keynote address in the Pacific Ballroom by Monte Schulz, author of six novels, and a former teacher at UC Santa Barbara’s College Creative Studies. His latest novel Metropolis provided an interesting focus on style and voice in workshops he led throughout the week and his book was among the many available for sale on the Chaucer’s Book Store table in the Fireside writer’s lounge. I felt honored to have my copy of Metropolis signed by the author during the 2023 conference. Schulz, son of renowned cartoonist Charles M. Schulz, said he grew up and learned he was a writer at SBWC gatherings, and shared some surprising changes he experienced while writing his recently released novel. He welcomed all in attendance to take full advantage of the many opportunities available to them during the conference. Monte Schulz signing copies of novel “Metropolis” (Photo: Bonnie Carroll) “Most writers and authors spend much of their time alone and work into the night in the hope their story or manuscript will be appreciated, possibly win an award, or earn the funds […]

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