Chuck Tingle on How Writing is Like Driving, Being an Autistic Artist, and More

Chuck Tingle on How Writing is Like Driving, Being an Autistic Artist, and More

Reading Time: 1 Min.

Camp Damascus , by Chuck Tingle, is out now from TOR, so we asked the ever-candid Mr. Tingle a few questions. * Literary Hub: What is the place or practice that had the most significant impact on your writing education? Chuck Tingle : chuck writes A LOT as most buckaroos can tell looking at my catalog of books. when i am really on a dang roll i will have a tingler coming out once a week on this timeline and that is generally schedule that i shoot for, along with writing novels in TANDEM way. in some ways this kind of productivity is a special talent, and i am thankful for this hyperfocus, but what i have learned over time is that DRIVING AHEAD with this much velocity at all times is not always good for me. it is not good for the art and it is not good for myself. so PRACTICE i have learned is two parts. first is that i try to keep my internal drive STEADY but not full on. instead of pushing throttle of my trot at one hundred percent the whole time just pulling it back to seventy five or eighty percent can be very helpful. find a CRUISING ALTITUDE that works for you and realize that if you really want to be productive in your way then you are going to get more done going 75 for keeps rather than 100 percent and hurting yourself. next practice that i have learned to go along with this is way of INTROSPECTION AND MEDITATION. used to meditate in a traditional way that most buckaroos know, but i have expanded this to just taking moments in the day for grounding and gratitude and letting my brain wander. one of my favorite ways of this practice is going on long trots or hikes especially in early hours of the day, in fact i would say this is where i get most of my “writing” done even when there is not a page page before me. these thinking times to let your brain roam are very important. […]

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