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Modern Songwriters that break from traditional forms and structures in songwriting

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Modern songwriters like Adele have broken away from traditional song structures and rhythms, and their music has still resonated with audiences. There are a few reasons why this might be the case.

Firstly, when an artist breaks away from traditional song structures, it can create a sense of unpredictability and surprise for the listener. This can make the music more interesting and engaging, as the listener is not quite sure what to expect next. For example, Adele's hit song "Someone Like You" features a non-traditional verse-chorus structure, with the chorus coming in at unexpected points in the song. This deviation from the norm can make the song stand out and be more memorable to the listener.

Secondly, modern songwriters often experiment with different rhythms and tempos, which can create a unique feel and atmosphere in the music. Adele, for example, has used slower tempos and more deliberate rhythms in many of her songs, which can create a sense of intimacy and vulnerability that resonates with listeners. This approach can create a more emotional connection between the artist and the audience, which can make the music more impactful and memorable.

Finally, modern songwriters often incorporate personal experiences and emotions into their music, which can create a sense of authenticity and relatability for listeners. Adele, in particular, is known for writing deeply personal lyrics about heartbreak, loss, and other emotional experiences. This vulnerability and honesty can make her music feel more real and raw, which can be very powerful for listeners who may be going through similar experiences.

In summary, modern songwriters like Adele have found success by breaking away from traditional song structures and rhythms, and instead focusing on creating music that is unpredictable, emotionally impactful, and relatable. By experimenting with different approaches to songwriting, these artists have been able to create music that resonates with audiences on a deep and personal level.

Grady Lucas
Account: @wcadmin

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