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Style Guides

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) is a widely used style guide for American English language publishing. It was first published in 1906 by the University of Chicago Press and is now in its 17th edition. The CMS covers a wide range of topics related to manuscript preparation, grammar, punctuation, and citation styles, and is widely used in the publishing industry, particularly for academic and scholarly writing.


One of the key features of the CMS is its focus on providing detailed guidance on citation styles. It provides instructions for both the Notes-Bibliography (NB) style, which is commonly used in the humanities and the Author-Date style, which is more commonly used in the natural and social sciences. This allows writers to choose the citation style that is most appropriate for their work. In comparison to other style guides, the CMS is one of the most comprehensive and widely adopted.


The CMS is widely used in the United States and is often considered the gold standard for American English language publishing. Other popular style guides include the Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook, which is commonly used in the humanities, and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), which is commonly used in the social sciences.


The CMS and APA have different guidelines for citation and referencing. It is worth noting that different fields of study and countries have their own styles and guidelines, such as The Oxford Style Manual, The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage, or The Guardian Style Guide which are widely used in their respective fields and countries. In summary, The Chicago Manual of Style is a widely adopted and comprehensive style guide, but it is not the only one and depending on the field of study and location different guidelines are used.


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