Deion Sanders Still Believes in ‘The Little Engine That Could’

Credit…Rebecca Clarke That kids’ classic “completely changed my life,” says the former football star, now the University of Colorado’s “Coach Prime.” His new book is “Elevate and Dominate: 21 Ways to Win On and Off the Field.” Credit…Rebecca Clarke Describe your ideal reading experience (when, where, what, how). Peace! I need my peace. I usually read in my office, where I have extraordinary peace and joy, and nobody can interfere with those moments. I read to get a deeper meaning, a deeper understanding, and to edify myself. What book (fiction or nonfiction) best captures the game of football as you know it? The Bible. This has been my guiding book throughout my life, on and off the field, in and out of the boardrooms, and throughout my home. What’s the best book you’ve ever received as a gift? “The Little Engine That Could.” This book completely changed my life, and is my favorite book, next to the Bible. Several engines passed that train up — because they were too good or too mighty, too this or too that — and they wouldn’t dare waste their time because it didn’t fit their ideal description. Some of y’all in life “don’t fit the ideal description” and are working to get over that track. Sitting on the side of the road, on that track, just waiting and saying, “I think I can, I think I can.” What are you gonna attach yourself to in life to get you to the other side, where you can bless a multitude of people that have faith in you? You’ve written a book about winning that comes after a losing season as a coach. Why should readers take your advice? See, my definition of winning is much different than yours. If we win on the field but some of my players lose in the classroom — DID WE WIN? If we win on the field, excelled in the classroom, but no one goes pro — DID WE WIN? If we do all the above but I have several players getting into trouble and foolishness in life […]

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