How to Beat ChatGPT

Key points When you prompt ChatGPT to write stories and make arguments, it performs just about as well as you can. Algorithms behind ChatGPT do one thing above all—predict the next most probable words worth saying. If you want to outperform ChatGPT when your write, exercise specific human strengths that AI can’t duplicate. If you feel threatened in your job by ChatGPT, you should. Recent research suggests that if you write for a living—even if for only part of your job—it’s likely that ChatGPT will replace chunks of your routine work. [i] You can’t easily outperform it in producing merely acceptable text. That’s not to say you can’t beat ChatGPT. In fact, you can produce writing that’s much more than acceptable. You just have to apply the right human touch. That can move your work from “good enough” to great. Ann Collins / Wikimedia Commons Source: Ann Collins / Wikimedia Commons You will, of course, have to work harder. That’s because when you first start writing you’re probably going to do something AI also does—and AI does it faster. You are going to predict, and then you’re going to insert, the language that seems to fit better than any other. Your predictions are going to be based on your memory from a lifetime of producing and comprehending language. AI’s predictions are going to be based on calculations of actual probabilities taken from machine learning . Your brain and AI, in other words, have something in common. They both work like prediction machines. The biggest difference is that AI runs like a Formula 1 racecar. It also has a much bigger data tank to fuel its creations, which is partly how ChatGPT drafts such competent text. Going ChatGPT One Better With that kind of power and fuel arrayed against you, how do you outgun ChatGPT? The answer, based on the experience of a range of professionals, is that, first, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. If your brain’s machine cannot beat the power of Formula 1 for prediction, piggyback on it—at least for research and drafting. Second, engage readers […]

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