How to Use Writing to Boost Your Focus and Productivity

You might think that writing is only for authors or people who earn a living with their words. That’s not true. Writing is for anyone who needs to focus. Writing is a tool. One of the ways you can use writing is as a way to improve your focus and productivity. Imagine getting fired (or losing your main income stream) and being left to fend for yourself. How would you normally focus on coming back? There’s a study that involved over a hundred laid-off senior engineers. 1 These engineers spent four months searching for a new job — without getting any. So the researchers took them in and grouped them accordingly. In one group, the engineers didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. The researchers simply observed them. But the other group did a task: Write for 20 minutes each day. The “writing group” wrote about various things, like how they felt, their thoughts on the financial impact of the job loss on their relationships/families, what next steps they’re supposed to take in their lives, etc. The result? After eight months, only around 19% of the first group found full-time employment. Meanwhile, 52% of the engineers in the writing group succeeded in their job search. The writing group also reported drinking less as a way of coping, compared to the others. Writing is not only a way to communicate your ideas, but also a powerful tool to improve your focus, clarity, and productivity. 5 ways writing can improve your focus Life is full of distractions. But with a writing and journaling habit , you can better organize your thoughts and achieve your goals. Here are 5 tips on how you can use writing as a focus tool. Clarity: Write down your top priorities for the next day. Before I go to sleep, I make it a habit to write down the 3-4 most important tasks I have to finish for the following day. For years, this has helped me wake up with more focus and energy. So whenever I get to work, I don’t […]

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