Line Of Duty actress Maya Sondhi on making the switch to writing as her drama DI Ray returns to our screens

Actress and writer Maya Sondhi. Fans of Line Of Duty will remember the moment in series five when PC Maneet Bindra had her throat slit and was left to bleed out on a jetty. While the shocking scene was the unequivocal end of Bindra, it was not the full stop on the relationship between Maya Sondhi , the actress behind the character, and the show’s creator, Jed Mercurio . The TV executive, also responsible for hits such as Bodyguard, Bodies and Cardiac Arrest, was aware Maya was an aspiring screenwriter as well as a busy actress, so he offered her an opportunity to write a show for his new production company. The result was DI Ray , a police procedural set in Maya’s home city of Birmingham which touched on a number of themes personal to her. As it returns for a second series next Sunday, mum-of-two Maya reflected on the journey that has made her a force behind the camera as well as in front of it. “When we decided I was going to die on Line Of Duty, Jed said he knew I was writing – I was doing a couple of episodes of EastEnders at the time – and he would like to support that,” explained Maya. “He told me he was setting up a production company and that I should let him know what I wanted to write about and we would talk.” Maya in Line of Duty. Maya told him she wanted to write a story about girls and gangs in Birmingham. They threw the idea around, received a commission at E4, and she wrote a script that both of them were proud of, but the show failed to get off the ground. While it was a tough lesson in the world of TV production, Jed remained keen to work with Maya. “I told him I wanted to explore identity,” she continued. “He said I had to wrap it up into something – that’s Jedbrain, as I call it, he knows how to sell stories to mainstream audiences. He’ll come in and say, ‘No, […]

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