Q&A with Alumna Nataly Gruender: From Creative Writing Major to Published Author

Image Nataly Gruender In 2020, amidst the pandemic, Nataly Gruender graduated with a double major in English and Creative Writing in the Department of English and a minor in Classics. During her time as a student, she also served as an SBS Ambassador , representing and promoting the college. Presently, Nataly is employed as a Financials Associate at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC. She is also set to release her debut novel Medusa in summer 2024. This exciting publication will mark her entry into the world of literature, showcasing her creative talent and storytelling prowess. What was your career path after graduation? What do you do at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret? Before I graduated college, I had been accepted into the Columbia Publishing Program, a five-week summer course, in New York that was meant to fast-track me into the publishing industry. However, I graduated in the height of the pandemic, and so I deferred the Columbia course for a year and began working from home as a grant writer, writing for a company that assisted Native American tribes in Arizona by developing materials for them to apply for federal grants for infrastructure and business projects within their communities. Nataly Gruender Once I attended the Columbia course, online, I packed up and moved to New York with a plan to find a job in publishing as soon as I got there. Of course, the publishing industry is notoriously difficult to break into, even with my Columbia certificate, so my first job in New York was as a bookseller in a Barnes & Noble in Brooklyn. At the same time, I began working part-time as a data-entry assistant for the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency. While that role only last a few months as I helped them transfer their backlog of contracts into an online system, that experience was actually what got my foot in the door at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret. The system I had learned at the Morhaim Agency was the same system that DG&B used, and they hired me on as a financials assistant. At DG&B, my main role […]

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