Should Fiction Writers Fear, Use, or Deny AI?

[The following is a guest post in a series of diverse posts from individuals who participate in the Eric Maisel Community, a place where we share virtual space, work together two Saturdays a month on our individual projects, and cultivate a sense of community. To learn more, please visit here .] By Laura Cristini It’s impossible to ignore that AI (Artificial Intelligence) can generate a meaning crisis for many fiction writers. Questions such as “Now my writing is unnecessary?” or “Could AI help me to write”? are already circulating. Why? The answer is simple: once a potentially limitless big brain processes beautiful poetry, a sense of defeat arises spontaneously. Setting aside some more distinctly ethical questions, in particular, if it’s right that those in economic power create humanoids that can annihilate humans at (almost) all levels, or worse, force humans to be at their service in a society dangerously switched from human-centered to robot-centered, it’s worth considering whether an artist, e.g., a fiction writer, should really fear the competition with AI or even be seduced by its sirens. Some writers, for example, might give up using their creativity because they feel afraid of the comparison with AI. This fear adds to other potential self-sabotage issues. You know, it’s not easy to stay put on our PC, mainly because we don’t always have a suitable mindset. Sometimes we are in the grip of doubts and negative self-talk. In this sense, how does an author perceive AI? Probably like the umpteenth “great” author difficult to reach. Don’t like ads? Become a supporter and enjoy The Good Men Project ad free Secondly, AI is a great temptation to fill the writing void. But creativity is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. But could there be advantages in escaping the tough moments by seeking refuge in AI, e.g., for the worldbuilding or for protagonist characterization? I don’t think there is a real advantage. There may be just the immediate relief of having solved a problem, but in the mid- and long-term a bigger problem arises: a chasm […]

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