Signups for art, writing classes and more continue at ACA; fall catalog now available online

ACA banner 20232 UPDATED Aug. 15 : Registration for the Arlington Center for the Arts’ ( ACA ) fall session is open, while summer programming winds up this week save for “Vacation Arts Camp Plus” the week of Aug. 21.That is currently full, but one can join the waiting list, says Aneleise Ruggles, communications director. View the interactive summer catalog here >> Fall classes are set to begin Sept. 18 or later, depending on the subject and the scheduling; early registration is advised. Click here to see classes >> “Fall” into community and creative growth this fall, organizers say. ACA welcomes newcomers as well as those returning for another round of creative offerings at the nonprofit arts center. While known for visual art, the organization now has expanded into numerous forms of writing; more is below. Arlington Center for the Arts is based at 20 Academy St., although many programs take place elsewhere. The website is; the telephone number is 781-648-6220; and email inquiries are encouraged at CALL FOR ART: FUTURE: ILLUSTRATED deadline was Aug. 13 The ACA called all sequential artists and digital illustrators whose work imagines future worlds: hand-drawn comic strips, digitally rendered fantasy worlds, sculpted characters, architectural renderings which envision new ways to organize communities: The deadline was for Future: Illustrated was Sunday, Aug. 13. Learn more here >> The ACA is offering a number of creative writing courses this fall. Learning to Notice the World: Using the Five Senses (with poet Tom Daly) Thursday, Oct. 12, 6 to 9 p.m. Click here for more info and/or to register . Poetry of Crisis: Can Poets Speak? (with poet Susan Donnelly) Thursday, Oct. 26, 1 to 4 p.m. Click here for more info and/or to register . WOMEN IN A ROOM: An Ekphrastic Poetry Writing Workshop (with poet Cathie Desjardins) Thursday, Sept. 21, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . Click here for more and/or to register . Food & Identity: Memoirs from Around Our Table (with poet Jordana Weiner) Fridays, Nov. 3 and Dec. 8, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Click here for more info and/or to […]

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