On the Yahara Writing Center connects people with nature, poetry and Mary Oliver
The Yahara Writing Center isn’t trying to turn anyone into the next Henry David Thoreau. Although if that happened, that would be okay too. Troy Hess, the center’s founder and guiding spirit, started leading small group classes on poetry, nature writing, and mindfulness almost six years ago as informal get-togethers in area coffee shops. “It […]
A Devastating Tale of War, a Tender Story of Love
The counterintuitive truth about “the love that dare not speak its name” — a late-19th-century term of art for love between men — is that precluding the name “homosexuality,” it was allowed to be quite loud: It was sung, written, verified and moaned about everywhere, from retellings of classical myths to the dormitories of the […]
The Stasi Poetry Circle: The Creative Writing Class That Tried to Win the Cold War by Philip Oltermann
In the early 1960s, the East German secret police—commonly known as the Stasi—gathered some of its staff to compose and share their poetry. The group called themselves the Writing Circle of Chekists, borrowing the word “cheka” from their fellow spies in Russia, and they met once a month for almost three decades. But what exactly […]
Burns’ influence on working class English writers revealed after the discovery of ‘lost’ works
The influence of Robert Burns saw poets in the north of England writing verse in Scots, say researchers who have uncovered a host of ‘lost’ literary works penned by industrial workers in the 19th Century. The team, led by Professor Kirstie Blair of the University of Stirling, has discovered a deluge of poems, songs, and […]
Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference is Accepting Scholarship and Master Class Applications for it’s 2023 Conference
Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference invites Scholarship and Master Class applications through February 15, 2023 for its in-person annual summer conference. The 2023 conference includes morning workshops in 10 genres plus a juried Master Class, as well as afternoon seminars . Scholarships to be awarded to applicants of all levels and backgrounds and may include tuition […]