Writers group helping area poets, storytellers through sessions

Writers group helping area poets, storytellers through sessions

A dozen people gathered on the second floor of the Ludington Area Center for the Arts for a recent Ludington Writers meeting. On the second and fourth Tuesday of the month, the Ludington Writers group transforms the solitary act of writing into a team effort. Ludington Writers is a nonprofit that aims to support a […]

ChatGPT helps would-be writers find inspiration on community radio

ChatGPT helps would-be writers find inspiration on community radio

The KGUA studios in Gualala, Calif. Mark Sanford Gross A show on a community radio station in California is using artificial intelligence to give fiction writers a creative boost. Since its launch in 2020, KGUA Writers on KGUA in Gualala, Calif., has encouraged community members to submit pieces of creative writing, whether they’re experienced or […]

Featured authors at Highlands Writer’s Conference: ‘Write what you know’

Featured authors at Highlands Writer’s Conference: ‘Write what you know’

The sixth annual Highlands Writer’s Conference was held on March 11 in the GHC Cartersville campus Student Center and STEAM building. Writers of all genres from the local community and the GHC student body attended to listen to the expertise of published authors, resulting in a turnout of over 75 in-person attendees with more that […]

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