The Perfect Beach Weather for Every Gender

The Perfect Beach Weather for Every Gender

Introduction by Halimah Marcus Jun 12, 2023 Issue No 578 The Perfect Beach Weather for Every Gender Written by Marne Litfin Recommended by Halimah Marcus “Neither of my girlfriends would take me to the beach.” So begins “Daisies” by Marne Litfin, in which the narrator’s friend, Miller, drives from Binghamton to Philadelphia to do what […]

Seeing Yourself Onscreen Is Good, but Not Good Enough

Seeing Yourself Onscreen Is Good, but Not Good Enough

In her essay collection “Wannabe,” Aisha Harris argues that Black critics can both appreciate, and demand more from, shifts in popular culture. Among the pop culture subjects discussed in “Wannabe” (clockwise from top left): Lamorne Morris, at left, in “New Girl”; Will Smith in “King Richard”; John Legend; Gabrielle Union, at right, in “She’s All […]

Influential Writing Mentor Dies

Influential Writing Mentor Dies

Caroline Rosenstone. Dedication to Rosenstone and handwritten note from former student Natalie Beach in a new book of essays. Caroline Rosenstone, who created and then for over three decades directed a writing program that turned high schoolers into skilled essayists and critics, died this week at the age of 70. The cause of death is […]

Influential Writing Mentor Dies

Influential Writing Mentor Dies

Caroline Rosenstone. Dedication to Rosenstone and handwritten note from former student Natalie Beach in a new book of essays. Caroline Rosenstone, who created and then for over three decades directed a writing program that turned high schoolers into skilled essayists and critics, died this week at the age of 70. The cause of death is […]

How ‘The Bear’ writer’s plans went wrong — for all the best reasons

How ‘The Bear’ writer’s plans went wrong — for all the best reasons

Despite her plans, writer Joanna Calo found herself navigating a job in television with motherhood. Editor’s note: This essay was written before the writers’ strike. I always wanted to make movies; I never wanted to have kids. When I was a kid growing up in New Jersey, I watched movies obsessively and sat too close […]

Capitalists Built the Stage and We’re All Performing Health

Capitalists Built the Stage and We’re All Performing Health

In her memoir “A Matter of Appearance,” Emily Wells isn’t selling silver linings or looking away from hard truths Jean-Martin Charcot demonstrating hysteria in a hypnotized patient at the Salpêtrière. Etching by A. Lurat, 1888, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1887. In a cultural milieu that is increasingly recognizing the value of narratives that describe the experience […]

Trespassing on Edith Wharton

Trespassing on Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton’s house, The Mount, Lenox, Massachusetts. Margaret Helminska, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons. I work in a blue-chip gallery, and it’s not unusual that I’m asked if I grew up in Newport when I say that I’m from Rhode Island. It often feels like a loaded question, more social barometer than casual inquiry, […]

Get Creative With 38 Green Eggs And Ham Writing Prompts

Get Creative With 38 Green Eggs And Ham Writing Prompts

It’s hard not to enjoy the beloved book, “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss! To celebrate this rhythmic tale, we’ve curated a delightful collection of 38 unique writing prompts that will ignite your students’ imaginations and bring their creativity to life. Each prompt is designed to encourage critical thinking, reflection, and the exploration of […]

Revise, Revise! Anna Badkhen on the Joys of Revision

Revise, Revise! Anna Badkhen on the Joys of Revision

In 1986, Nora Ephron published in the New York Times an amusing essay on revision that ended in an exhortation: “Revise now, before it’s too late.” I am approximately the same age now as Ephron was then (she had gone from being a newspaper journalist to essayist to—at the time—screenplay writer; I have gone from […]

A furious, joyful memoir of working-class New Jersey and the writing life

A furious, joyful memoir of working-class New Jersey and the writing life

A memoir that celebrates as much as it grieves, rages and broods, Jane Wong’s “ Meet Me Tonight in Atlantic City ” charts its author’s progress from the casinos of New Jersey to the college dorms of Upstate New York, to Hong Kong and Iowa and finally Bellingham, Wash., where she now teaches creative writing […]

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