Using Daily Reflective Writing to Track Connections With Students

Using Daily Reflective Writing to Track Connections With Students

Photo of teacher writing at her desk Your students left for the bus, and your classroom is finally quiet. You straighten desks, scrape at the ground-up goldfish in the carpet, empty a remaining lunch box to head off the sour milk smell. That’s when you realize you’re not sure if you talked to the student […]

The Obscene Energy Demands of A.I.

The Obscene Energy Demands of A.I.

In 2016, Alex de Vries read somewhere that a single bitcoin transaction consumes as much energy as the average American household uses in a day. At the time, de Vries, who is Dutch, was working at a consulting firm. In his spare time, he wrote a blog, called Digiconomist, about the risks of investing in […]

The Stakes of Driving While Black Are Unconscionably High

The Stakes of Driving While Black Are Unconscionably High

I was excited when I RSVP’d. It would be a lovely way to end the tour, I thought, maybe even comforting— a balm for the months of nightly performances, all the new faces. I secretly love weddings despite the bitter hopelessness loudly knocking on the door to my temperamental heart. I get to dress up, […]

The Drawers Keep Popping Open: On Sloane Crosley’s “Grief Is for People”

Social Media / Community Strategist

Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley “I CAN’T SEEM to find a moment alone with you.” These despairing words appear in a passage close to the end of Sloane Crosley’s latest book, Grief Is for People (2024). The memoir traces the best-selling essayist and novelist’s response to learning that her dear friend Russell Perreault, […]

Leslie Jamison Writes A Different Kind of Love Story In “Splinters”

Leslie Jamison Writes A Different Kind of Love Story In “Splinters”

Leslie Jamison’s new memoir Splinters follows the aftermath of divorce and the awakening of motherhood, but it explores desire more than it does any kind of death. Jamison wants to make meaning, to connect, to love, to feel, to mother, to write, and to revise her life endlessly. There are losses and grief along the […]

Writing around an AI taboo

Writing around an AI taboo

A new collection of AI-assisted writing assignments co-edited by University Writing Program lecturer Carly Schnitzler offers teachers practical ways to incorporate AI into their classrooms while setting ground rules for its use The ascendance of large language models like ChatGPT has all but wrought a collective existential crisis among writing instructors. Due to a rise […]

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