A Devastating Tale of War, a Tender Story of Love

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The counterintuitive truth about “the love that dare not speak its name” — a late-19th-century term of art for love between men — is that precluding the name “homosexuality,” it was allowed to be quite loud: It was sung, written, verified and moaned about everywhere, from retellings of classical myths to the dormitories of the […]

“Writing On The Edge” Is Anthology of Alaska Stories


David James, editor of the Alaskan literature anthology “Writing on the Edge,” during a signing at Title Wave Books on March 4. James will be at Barnes & Noble in Fairbanks this Saturday from 1 to 3. PHOTO BY Karen Jensen Alaska means different things to different people. A new anthology of 33 Alaska stories, […]

TUCKER ON Writing Well

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Over 30 years ago, I received my bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Tennessee. Despite the passing of time, I still hold dear two items from my five-year educational journey: my framed diploma and a small book entitled “The Word: An Associated Press Guide to Good News Writing” by Rene J. Cappon. This […]

The 5 Best Sites and Online Tools to Help You Write Song Lyrics

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The songwriting process can be difficult, and when you’re struggling to come up with the words, you can get demotivated to carry on. Whether you’re struggling to expand your song idea or you need a fresh one, there’s always a way to deal with writer’s block. Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with writer’s […]

Richard Anobile, Chronicler of the Marx Brothers, Dies at 76

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Richard Anobile, a prolific creator of film books whose friendly collaboration with the anarchic comedian Groucho Marx on a project called “The Marx Bros. Scrapbook” turned sour when Mr. Marx sued to stop its distribution after reading his unedited quoted remarks in print, died on Feb. 10 in Toronto. He was 76. His wife, Elizabeth […]

‘I inherited my writing skill from my father’: Shanarei Devi Shanu

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The Business Standard recently sat down with the Lux Superstar turned actor turned writer to discuss Shanu’s versatile career and inspirations Shanarei Devi Shanu. Two of Shanarei Devi Shanu’s books were published at this year’s Ekushey Boi Mela, a poetry book titled ‘Bhalobashar Epaar Opaar’ and a thriller titled Bhokkhok.’ A budding writer some would […]

ChatGPT showed me just how far it is from writing a blockbuster

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10,000 hours. That’s how long, at least according to author Malcolm Gladwell, it’s supposed to take to master a craft. Or, if you’re an AI a matter of months, weeks, or days. When I read that is now such an adept writer it’s on Amazon’s self-publishing service, I experienced a mini freakout. To be clear, […]

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