Sarah Fader Wants to Advocate for Mental Health Through Writing

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Image: Sarah Fader. Design: Marielle Verni/BlogHer. As a writer, Sarah Fader has made a name for herself as a mental health advocate . As someone who suffers from mental illness herself, she wants people to know that it’s okay and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It can be hard to keep this mindset, especially […]

Teaching Goal-Writing to All Students

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This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on November 1, 2013. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. On the first day of classes two years ago, I had students in my professional and technical writing course send me an email with their goals for the semester. I discovered they had no understanding of goals, […]

Meredith Noble Is Modernizing How Grant Writing Is Taught. Here’s How.

Social Media / Community Strategist

Meredith Noble, Co-Founder and CEO of Learn Grant Writing , is helping those ready for a career change become paid grant writers so they have the flexibility to build a life they love. After quitting her corporate job, Meredith started her self-employment journey but quickly realized she didn’t have a business model to keep her […]

Writing workshops will have you reliving life’s memories — food included


Chef Mary Seip cooking a dish in the kitchen of the Rosebank Tavern. Staten Island Advance STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Remember the taste of Mary Seip’s cream puffs or her slow-cooked marinara? Or how about the first time chowing down on a butter-filled Chicken Kiev at Riviera Chateau , formerly of Bay Terrace? Those tastes […]

Within the Margins: Finding Myself in Writing

sitting on grass writing in journal by Stocksnap on Pixabay

Photo by Stocksnap on Pixabay Growing up, I spent most of my time either playing dress up in my room and acting out scenes from movies or writing in my journal. More often than not, I was writing. I remember first writing about my dad being in Iraq when I was in third grade. It […]

Storyville: How Various Media Can Change You as a Writer

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As writers, we do not exist in a vacuum—we are constantly informed, changed, influenced, and inspired by the world around us. Today, I wanted to give you some examples of how various media has changed me as a writer over the years, and how you can look to these mediums for your own continuing education. […]

Literary journal in flames after interview with Spectator writer

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All is not well at the literary journal Hobart Pulp , Cockburn has learned — and it’s all down to one of our mischievous Spectator contributors. His words have caused violence, apparently, as nearly the entire staff of the journal have resigned in protest. Last month, Alex Perez sat down with Hobart Pulp ‘s top […]

A better way to teach writing? Try journalism

istockphoto 510580998 612x612 1 First there was Nathalie, an English language learner who whispered that she’d never done well in English, never liked it, but this course was different . And her writing was getting better. Then there was Nseandra, who avoided the news because it was depressing and paralyzing. Yet Nseandra became one of my strongest reporters, […]

Elias Canetti on Being a Writer in a Tumultuous and Troubling World

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Among the words that have long lain in helpless exhaustion, shunned and hidden away, words that one made a mockery of oneself by using, words that were so drained of meaning that they shriveled and became ugly warnings—among these one finds the word “poet.” And any person who still took up the activity of writing, […]

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