On creating something out of nothing


Kate Folk is the author of Out There, a story collection (Random House ‘22). She has written for publications including The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, One Story, Granta, McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, and Zyzzyva. A recipient of a Stegner Fellowship in Fiction from Stanford University, she’s also received support from MacDowell, the Headlands […]

Humans are still better than bots at writing. Here’s why.

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I was sitting poolside at a San Juan, Puerto Rico, resort bar, minding my own business, when ChatGPT settled into a barstool next to mine and ordered a pina colada. It was a bold move, considering the sun was not yet over the yardarm, as we like to say in the islands. I took another […]

The Writer’s Desk: Six things to know before (and after) your book is released

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Congratulations! You wrote a book and you’re now a superhero. Whether you’re traditionally or self-published, here are a few things to keep in mind: You can’t please everyone . The more copies of your books sell, the greater the risk of negative reviews. Since sites like Amazon and Goodreads allow the everyday reader a voice, […]

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