She-Hulk’s Writers Loved Trolling the Marvel Show’s ‘Unoriginal’ Critics

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law star Tatiana Maslany says the show’s writers loved having the chance to troll the show’s most “unoriginal” detractors. In an interview with Variety , Maslany shared that head writer Jessica Gao knew from the outset how a certain sector of Marvel fans would view Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk as a woman supposedly invading […]

From Surviving Evil to Prosecuting Evil to Writing Evil

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I was 20 when I first told another person I’d been sexually abused as a child. My confessor is a dear friend; after nearly five decades he remains the oracle of a remarkably close circle of men forged together as American, middle-class Gen-X boys. Clem was post-high school, like me. Not yet seriously invested in […]

15 horrible mistakes even professional online writers make

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Click here to view original web page at 15 horrible mistakes even professional online writers make Writing. Everyone thinks they can do it, no one wants to do it, and it’s never perfect. We love writing because it stimulates the mind, informs us of something new, and teaches us new ways to think about important […]

ANALYSIS: New to Legal Writing? Start by Talking—and Listening

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Click here to view original web page at ANALYSIS: New to Legal Writing? Start by Talking—and ListeningGood legal writing requires more than knowing the law and filling pages about it. There’s a step in the process that good legal writers take but new associates often miss: defining expectations before writing a word. How can you […]

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