Top 10 Tips on Writing a Properly Flawed Main Character


Creating a compelling main character is essential to any work of fiction, but creating a character that is perfectly good in every way can be a recipe for a dull story. That’s why it’s important to make your main character flawed. By making your main character flawed, you can create tension, conflict, and depth that […]

Living the writing life means living with failure


Writing is a hard way to make a living, which is why a whole ecosystem exists to help you feel like you’re succeeding at it. Hashtags like #amwriting provide steady pep talks for people wading through the muck of a first draft. Dubious-seeming ads on Facebook peddle frictionless methods for selling thousands of copies of […]

“Writing On The Edge” Is Anthology of Alaska Stories


David James, editor of the Alaskan literature anthology “Writing on the Edge,” during a signing at Title Wave Books on March 4. James will be at Barnes & Noble in Fairbanks this Saturday from 1 to 3. PHOTO BY Karen Jensen Alaska means different things to different people. A new anthology of 33 Alaska stories, […]

7 Common Mistakes Writers Make According To Ian Leaf

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Whether you’re a professional writer or a student writing an essay, inevitable mistakes can detract from your work. As a writer, you should strive to write clearly, accurately, and concisely. Ian Leaf discusses some of the most common writing mistakes and how to avoid them. Read on to learn more! Incorrect Grammar Incorrect grammar is […]

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