Alice Notley on Writing from Dreams

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An excerpt from the following first appeared in Lit Hub’s The Craft of Writing newsletter. I’ve been using dream materials in my poems since I first began writing poetry in the late sixties. I’ve taken words, images, narratives, parts of narratives from my own dreams and repeated them, transformed them, commented on, and sung them. […]

Hill Country Authors Podcast – Karen Jones – Writing Historical Fiction

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Welcome to the Hill Country Authors podcast. In this episode, I visit award-winning author Karen Jones, who writes in the historical fiction genre. Some of the highlights include: Growing up in Bakersfield, CA, how did that influence her writing? What led Karen to write as and novelist as a profession? What brought Karen and your […]

Young Writer’s Festival in Richmond opens for 2022 entries

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Submissions are now open for the Young Writers Festival, with all young people living or attending schools or clubs in the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames eligible to enter. Entrants can write about any subject of their choosing in any format but all entries must be typed, be under 500 words or 25 lines […]

“The Bipolar Express” is available at WC Bookstore

Social Media / Community Strategist

The late Christopher Hitchens, remembered as an intellectual and influential journalist possessed of a quick mind and capacity for cynical derision, is still quoted, “Everyone has a book in them and that, in most cases, is where it should stay.” Wildly successful novelist Jody Picoult, known for building a dramatic storyline around moral dilemma, reportedly […]

James Cameron Scrapped An Avatar 2 Script He Spent A Year Writing


James Cameron worked for a year on an Avatar: The Way of Water script, which he ended up throwing away. With an impressive slate of films behind him including Titanic, The Terminator, Aliens, and Avatar, Cameron has four sequels to Avatar in the works. The Oscar-winning director created the highest-grossing movie of all time with […]

‘Independence Day’ Co-Writer Dean Devlin’s ElectricNOW AVoD Goes Global

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Dean Devlin EXCLUSIVE: Independence Day and Godzilla co-writer Dean Devlin ’s Electric Entertainment is to roll out its AVoD ElectricNOW beyond the U.S. The platform, which has around 450 hours of programing, will launch in Australia early next month before subsequently rolling out to Canada and the UK. ElectricNOW has been available in the U.S. […]

Reflections on 35 Years of Travel Writing

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Sheep graze on little-known Stewart Island off the coast of South New Zealand. (Photo courtesy of Daniela Constantinescu, Travel When my 15-year-old granddaughter, Talya, asked me what my favorite destination was, I had to take a minute. After 35 years as a travel writer, my usual answer to that question is wherever I’ve been […]

Rebecca Miller: Filmmaking is brutal. You can control your writing

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Rebecca Miller with her husband Daniel Day Lewis; she is the daughter of playwright Arthur Miller and photographer Inge Morath. Total by Rebecca Miller Canongate, €16.76 Kindle, €8.67 I meet Rebecca Miller in a Dublin hotel on a day when torrential rain has caused traffic gridlock. We’ve both travelled from Co Wicklow and have arrived […]

Constructing clearer sentences for clearer writing


Writing plainly and concisely may require time and effort on the part of the writer. The reader is the first to enjoy the rewards of this effort, though, as they find it easier to read. The writer enjoys the benefits that come from convincing a reader and leaving a lasting impression. —– LEGAL writing is […]

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