Top 10 Tips on Writing a Properly Flawed Main Character


Creating a compelling main character is essential to any work of fiction, but creating a character that is perfectly good in every way can be a recipe for a dull story. That’s why it’s important to make your main character flawed. By making your main character flawed, you can create tension, conflict, and depth that […]

Living the writing life means living with failure


Writing is a hard way to make a living, which is why a whole ecosystem exists to help you feel like you’re succeeding at it. Hashtags like #amwriting provide steady pep talks for people wading through the muck of a first draft. Dubious-seeming ads on Facebook peddle frictionless methods for selling thousands of copies of […]

Epicurus for Our Time

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“THE WASTELAND GROWS,” wrote Nietzsche over a century ago. “Woe to him who hides wastelands within.” Since then, the wastelands have grown more indiscriminately within and without. Our social and spiritual lives wither on our cell phone screens. Our cities, habitats, and public arenas suffer from a blight whose causes remain obscure while the effects […]

Writing a personal narrative: 3 things you need to know

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Writing a personal narrative is probably one of the most enjoyable writing assignments. People, by nature, are very fond of talking about themselves and sharing their experiences as a part of a text, and this is what this type of writing requires of you. Whether you’re a beginner blogger and share your life story with […]

A Devastating Tale of War, a Tender Story of Love

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The counterintuitive truth about “the love that dare not speak its name” — a late-19th-century term of art for love between men — is that precluding the name “homosexuality,” it was allowed to be quite loud: It was sung, written, verified and moaned about everywhere, from retellings of classical myths to the dormitories of the […]

Common Reasons Why Most Writers Fail: A Data-Driven Perspective


The Early Struggles of an Online Writer: Navigating the Challenges of Finding Discipline, Direction, and Confidence Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash Writing is a difficult yet rewarding hobby. Many prospective writers struggle to find success, and most writers fail for a variety of reasons. Understanding these causes can help writers overcome challenges and achieve […]

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