Searching for the Real ‘Anna O.’

Searching for the Real ‘Anna O.’

The woman behind one of Freud’s most influential case studies, writes Gabriel Brownstein, was not the straightforward success story of legend. THE SECRET MIND OF BERTHA PAPPENHEIM: The Woman Who Invented Freud’s Talking Cure, by Gabriel Brownstein Bertha Pappenheim stopped eating and sleeping. She lost her language and ability to move. Her eyes crossed and […]

6 Stages of Building a Story Within an Intricately Designed World

6 Stages of Building a Story Within an Intricately Designed World

Crafting a fantasy or science fiction world requires both creativity and structure, with a prerequisite care in its conception required if one wishes to succeed in suspending their readers’ disbelief. The essence of world-building lies not just in avoiding excessive exposition or sparse detail but in the foundational design itself. This is essential, for the […]

A Summary and Analysis of John Cheever’s ‘The Worm in the Apple’

A Summary and Analysis of John Cheever’s ‘The Worm in the Apple’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) The short stories of John Cheever (1912-82) are among the greatest American short stories of the twentieth century. His Collected Stories runs to 900 pages and contains tales which are by turns realist, borderline magic-realist, and downright strange. In Cheever’s short story ‘The Worm in the Apple’, the narrator […]

A Tale of Four Troubled and Talented Sisters, Told With Irish Flair

A Tale of Four Troubled and Talented Sisters, Told With Irish Flair

The illustration shows a hilly Irish countryside under a nighttime sky, with three sisters searching for their lost fourth sibling in the foreground. THE ALTERNATIVES, by Caoilinn Hughes Caoilinn Hughes’s exuberant third novel opens with Olwen Flattery, a geology professor, lecturing her undergraduate students about tectonic convergence. “ Just imagine the force it would take […]

A Modern California Dream, Still Haunted by Hippie Darkness

A Modern California Dream, Still Haunted by Hippie Darkness

Credit…Robert Beatty THORN TREE, by Max Ludington For every idyllic image of the 1960s there exists its dark inverse, a symbol of menacing chaos. Give me your flower crowns at Woodstock, your free love in Haight-Ashbury, and I’ll hand you the murdering Manson family, or the 5-year-old in Joan Didion’s “Slouching Toward Bethlehem,” high on […]

Watching Pixels Die: Sony, HBO, and “The Last of Us”

Social Media / Community Strategist

WITH THE ARRIVAL of Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan’s Amazon Studios adaptation of Bethesda Softworks’ Fallout on April 10, the long-heralded convergence of prestige video games and prestige television finally seems fully underway. A version of this synthesis had long seemed inevitable. Despite decades of usually half-hearted attempts and the prevailing sense that Hollywood has […]

To Polly Atkin, “Diagnosis is Like a Wedding”

To Polly Atkin, “Diagnosis is Like a Wedding”

Photo by Andreas Strandman via Unsplash Often in illness narratives, the diagnosis marks a moment of triumph. There’s an a-ha moment and the main character rejoices, finally having a name for their symptoms. A medication or course of treatment available that might bring the patient to their former body. There is a sense of restoration, […]

7 Poetry Collections that Transform the Personal Into Portals

7 Poetry Collections that Transform the Personal Into Portals

Photo by Samuel Pagel via Unsplash Poets for generations have contended with the indeterminable, fluid relationship between the speaker and the self. We all know the dictum to write what you know, but I find more possibility and permission in Eudora Welty’s way: “Write about what you don’t know about what you know.” In my […]

2 Novels About Uncomfortably Close Families

2 Novels About Uncomfortably Close Families

Should you feel like a creep reading about transgressive family affairs on the subway?Credit…Librado Romero/The New York Times “My sister. My daughter. … She’s my sister and my daughter!” If you’ve ever seen Roman Polanski’s sun-bleached neo-noir “Chinatown,” which turns 50 this year, you can’t forget it: a defiant, tear-stained Faye Dunaway wailing the sordid […]

A Summary and Analysis of ‘Got a Letter from Jimmy’

A Summary and Analysis of ‘Got a Letter from Jimmy’

‘Got a Letter from Jimmy’ is a short story by the American writer Shirley Jackson (1916-65). The story, which runs to just a few pages, involves just two characters: an unnamed husband and wife. The husband has received a letter from an associate simply identified as Jimmy; the wife seeks to know what the contents […]

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