Here are the Best Books of 2022, According to Barnes and Noble Booksellers

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Don’t check that calendar: it is only October, not the end of the year. Regardless, many outlets seem to be racing to see who can release their best of the year lists fastest. Barnes and Noble already posted their Best Books of the Year list earlier this month, but they have just posted a separate […]

WHERE I’M WRITING FROM: Escaping from ‘Banana Mode’ on a Saturday

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I’m writing from my bed on a Saturday morning. Two kids, an Australian Shepherd and my wife are snuggled up beside me. Cartoons flicker across our flat-screen TV. It’s still dark outside, still cool. Steam rises from a cup of warm coffee on the nightstand. In other words, this is my idea of a perfect […]

Character Development: A National Novel Writing Month Pep Talk

Works of Justice Template National Novel Writing Month NaNoWriMo

If you’ve attempted to write 50,000 words in one month, please raise your eyebrows. Then, imagine doing it like William Smitherman, from the confines of a prison on an outdated, tiny, flaky android tablet (feel free to keep your eyebrows raised and add a tilt of your head). The content you write can only be […]

Legal Writing Class Teaches More than Memos

ilaw classroom

Director of Legal Research and Writing Cecilia A. Silver teaches a class of Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing, a course that all new J.D. students take in their first seven weeks of Yale Law School. It’s a short course with lofty goals. That’s in the syllabus description for Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing, […]

HOLSONBACK: Living to write, writing to live


This article is an opinion. While cleaning out a closet last week, I found several items I hadn’t thought about in years…my third grade annual from Evans Elementary School, a blue ribbon from 4-H Club and a gold trimmed certificate I had completely forgotten about. Back in the late 1990s, I was a frequent contributor […]

Author Tish Delaney: ‘I find writing the dark stuff quite therapeutic’


Tish Delaney Co Tyrone author Tish Delaney is excited about her upcoming appearance at the Belfast International Arts Festival. On October 19, in an already sold out show, she will be in conversation with Limerick author Donal Ryan. “It’s such a delightful thing to think about. I’m a huge fan of his books,” says Tish. […]

Writers, Editors, Interns Needed

Reporter Cat

Our dedicated small staff has initiated a number of new news beats these last few months, and we are now seeking community oriented people that would like to consider joining our team. Some of our positions require newspaper and magazine experience, and others only require a keen interest in the beat being covered. CITY EDITOR/REPORTER: […]

Get 20% off screen protector that makes writing on iPad feel like paper

SwitchEasy PaperLike iPad Screen Protector

Write or draw like it’s real paper with this iPad screen protector. Photo: SwitchEasy If you’re like me, you love your iPad for its many uses and its portability. And an Apple Pencil is fun to use for both writing and drawing on the tablet. But wouldn’t it be more rewarding if it felt more […]

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