This Ghostwriter Made $200,000 Last Year Writing Tweets for Venture Capitalists

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The internet, despite any attempts of being “transparent,” will always incorporate a level of anonymity. Social media only showcases a final product from one screen to another, with the drafts and real-life humans always on the other end, unseeable. AndreyPopov | Getty Images Twitter , for example, makes anonymity easy, as we only see an […]

Meredith Noble Is Modernizing How Grant Writing Is Taught. Here’s How.

Social Media / Community Strategist

Meredith Noble, Co-Founder and CEO of Learn Grant Writing , is helping those ready for a career change become paid grant writers so they have the flexibility to build a life they love. After quitting her corporate job, Meredith started her self-employment journey but quickly realized she didn’t have a business model to keep her […]

Dissent is Sexy

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Courtesy of Dissent Anthology Romance novelists are a charitable group: Authors often band together and publish short story anthologies to benefit various causes. So when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade in June and ended decades of the constitutional right to abortion, romance writers immediately rallied in online communities. All proceeds from the sale […]

From Surviving Evil to Prosecuting Evil to Writing Evil

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I was 20 when I first told another person I’d been sexually abused as a child. My confessor is a dear friend; after nearly five decades he remains the oracle of a remarkably close circle of men forged together as American, middle-class Gen-X boys. Clem was post-high school, like me. Not yet seriously invested in […]

Three Creative Writing Professors Publish Books This Fall at Graywolf Press


Ander Monson, Bojan Louis, and Manuel Muñoz, faculty members in the University of Arizona’s acclaimed Creative Writing MFA Program – which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year – have books published this fall by Graywolf Press , a leading independent publisher. A deep dive into Predator and male American culture First up is Ander […]

Qian Julie Wang on Commuting, People-Watching, and Letting the Story Marinate

Qian Julie Wang

Click here to view original web page at Qian Julie Wang on Commuting, People-Watching, and Letting the Story Marinate “I delete and demolish with zeal.” Qian Julie Wang’s Beautiful Country is out now in paperback from Anchor, so we asked about her routine and the intersection of writing and litigating. What time of day do […]

Visiting writer helps craft a new perspective

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Click here to view original web page at Visiting writer helps craft a new perspective Poet Savannah Sipple reads her favorite poems for the audience. App State hosted author Savannah Sipple Thursday during the Visiting Writers Series to read excerpts from her poetry book “WWJD and Other Poems,” detailing her experience growing up queer in […]

Student wins Phi Beta Kappa award for undergraduate writing

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Click here to view original web page at Student wins Phi Beta Kappa award for undergraduate writing Junior Safyque xRichardson, a double major in creative writing and psychology, won the 2022 John D. Wilson Prize for her essay “Reduction to the Black Body: Brutality in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.” Photo by […]

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