6 Accountability Tools for Writers to Keep the Words Flowing

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Whether you’re freelancing, blogging, or crafting fiction, writing is often a challenging task. Coping with writer’s block–or even garden-variety procrastination–can slow the progress. Here are several accountability tools for writers to help you stay on track and keep the words flowing. 1. Use Time-Tracking Tools. Commit to writing a certain number of hours each day […]

This 120-year-old Henry James novella is coming to the big screen.

the beast in the jungle film

If, despite its obvious cinematic potential, the Hollywood power brokers haven’t come a-knockin’ for your novel yet, don’t be discouraged; these things can take time. Sometimes they can take more time than you have years on this earth. Case in point: an adaptation of a 120-year-old novella by Henry James is premiering at the Berlin […]

The Whale Writer Samuel D. Hunter Reflects on His Play’s Jump to the Big Screen

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As reported by Variety, writer Samuel D. Hunter first met director Darren Aronofsky to talk about the possibility of adapting his Off-Broadway play, The Whale, for the screen when the film director was in the middle of editing his 2014 biblical epic, Noah. While Noah and The Whale couldn’t be more different, Aronofsky declared, “What […]

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