How can humans detect AI writing? These Penn researchers have some tips

daphne ippolito left and liam dugan. courtesy photos 1

If a group of people is presented with a body of text, will they be able to spot the human-written passages over the AI-generated ones? The answer is, well — maybe. AI detection work is at the center of a University of Pennsylvania study in its School of Engineering and Applied Science. Chris Callison-Burch, an […]

The Point of Pointless Writing

sitting on grass writing in journal by stocksnap on pixabay

Writing pointless drivel and why you should do it “Ooh, that’s spicy,” I whisper to myself, writing the last line in a 3000-word ramble about nothing. Was the line actually ‘spicy?’ No. Not at all. However, did it have some kind of influence on my emotional state for the rest of the day? Yes. That […]

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