A Summary and Analysis of Ray Bradbury’s ‘The Last Night of the World’


‘The Last Night of the World’ is a short story by the American writer Ray Bradbury (1920-2012), published in Esquire magazine in February 1951 before being reprinted in his 1952 collection The Illustrated Man . In this story of just a few pages, a husband tells his wife that the world will end later that […]

Writing the Land: Windblown I, Book Launch & Art Reception

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Writing the Land: Windblown I is a national anthology featuring the work of poets writing about conserved lands for 11 land trusts across the country. On Nov. 13, contributing poet Laurel Peterson will read a selection of her poems about Branford’s Beacon Hill Preserve, and the book’s featured artwork by Branford Land Trust and Branford […]

Character Development: A National Novel Writing Month Pep Talk

Works of Justice Template National Novel Writing Month NaNoWriMo

If you’ve attempted to write 50,000 words in one month, please raise your eyebrows. Then, imagine doing it like William Smitherman, from the confines of a prison on an outdated, tiny, flaky android tablet (feel free to keep your eyebrows raised and add a tilt of your head). The content you write can only be […]

ANALYSIS: New to Legal Writing? Abbreviate to Illustrate

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In legal writing, plain and simple language is always best. But there are times when words can overlap or repeat in a way that confuses the reader. The answer? Abbreviate and define. But do it wisely. Why does some legal writing contain terms that seem needlessly formal, such as a specific address that’s defined as […]

Legal Writing Class Teaches More than Memos

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Director of Legal Research and Writing Cecilia A. Silver teaches a class of Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing, a course that all new J.D. students take in their first seven weeks of Yale Law School. It’s a short course with lofty goals. That’s in the syllabus description for Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing, […]

Alice Notley on Writing from Dreams

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An excerpt from the following first appeared in Lit Hub’s The Craft of Writing newsletter. I’ve been using dream materials in my poems since I first began writing poetry in the late sixties. I’ve taken words, images, narratives, parts of narratives from my own dreams and repeated them, transformed them, commented on, and sung them. […]

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