Writers, Editors, Interns Needed

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Our dedicated small staff has initiated a number of new news beats these last few months, and we are now seeking community oriented people that would like to consider joining our team. Some of our positions require newspaper and magazine experience, and others only require a keen interest in the beat being covered. CITY EDITOR/REPORTER: […]

Nadiya Hussain on writing a poem a day and cooking with her family

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nadiya hussain speaking at the good housekeeping live event in celebration of their 100th anniversary in london on friday 14th october 2022 Nadiya Hussain discussed her love of poetry and cooking with her family during a talk at Good Housekeeping Live , in partnership with Dyson . Nadiya told the audience about her love for […]

Bob Dylan Lives (and Greil Marcus is Still Writing About Him)

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Some people really don’t like Bob Dylan. They look for reasons and find them in his voice, his mercurial politics and what some interpret as his contempt for his audience. Others think he can do no wrong. Their eyes refuse to see his human flaws and suffer no criticism of their god. Greil Marcus, on […]

Teaching Goal-Writing to All Students

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This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on November 1, 2013. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. On the first day of classes two years ago, I had students in my professional and technical writing course send me an email with their goals for the semester. I discovered they had no understanding of goals, […]

The 1975’s Matty Healy Prefers Writing Lyrics He’s Afraid Of

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Being Funny in a Foreign Language , the 1975’s fifth album, was born from reflection. After the band noticed that the new music they were working on felt like an extension of their last record, 2020’s Notes on a Conditional Form , they stopped to reconsider. “That elicited a bit of a downer,” says band […]

Southern Ohio Writers’ Group to host seminar at the Pump House

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USA TODAY NETWORK CHILLICOTHE― Have you ever wanted to write a book or short story? Have you already written a book but the publishing side of things got confusing? Either way the Southern Ohio Writers’ Group can help you. The Southern Ohio Writer’s Group was started in 2014 and has been meeting at the Pump […]

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