Not-writing is a state of comfort

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I’ve always thought of myself as a writer, although saying it out like that sounds a bit pompous, at least to me. Building something through my words never fails to thrill me, but I wouldn’t say I like to attach a defined role to it. I think the lack of pressure on my younger self […] Is A Gem For Transcribing Your Recorded Thoughts Into Writing

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Taking notes by keyboard, or even worse for some, by hand with a pen or pencil, is akin to the dark ages. It is not a task that most people yearn to do. is a voice-to-text conversion tool that can help you avoid making notes into digital documents and be more productive. 75 years […]

Writing essays as a way to organize your thoughts

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Writing an essay is a great way to organize your thoughts and share your ideas with others. It can also be very helpful to your grades in college. Here are some tips to help you get started on your next essay. Organize by importance When working on essays, writers should consider organizing their thoughts by […]

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