All That Glitters is not Gold

Social Media / Community Strategist

ALL THAT GLITTERS WAS NOT GOLD. Heavy glass doors framed in black metal with gold trim, 220 Rodeo Drive next door to Tiffany’s–elegant, yet simple. Inside, a grand white marble staircase led to a private, hidden second floor. To the left, a simple, modern glass desk with a clean, almost sterile waiting area. Two stylish […]


Social Media / Community Strategist

The night had whined with sirens, distant voices, shouting, sighs, and groans like animals in the night. Gone were the studios and broadcasters who had moved uptown. What remained, were abandoned stores and offices, and the streets themselves; claimed by squatters, drug addicts, panhandlers, and prostitutes”the putrid smell of the streets; stark desperation.
 Daylight brought […]

Hollywood & Vine

Social Media / Community Strategist

Michael had set his sites on Hollywood from a thousand miles away in Austin Texas. His blue Chevy Impala was packed with everything he owned including his pride.  At twenty-one, Michael, blessed with classic looks had refined cheek bones, deep blue eyes, full, flowing, over the shoulder hair. He was, well, pretty, even for a […]

Big Fish (Intro)

Social Media / Community Strategist

The heart of Paris, 15 Place Vendôme, the Ritz Hotel-one of the most prestigious and luxurious addresses in all the world.  After all, the popular catch phrases “Ritzy” and “Putting on the Ritz” were born here.  Originally an eighteenth century mansion surrounded by relatively low, older buildings, it is a rarity in Paris to have wonderful […]

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