Not-writing is a state of comfort

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I’ve always thought of myself as a writer, although saying it out like that sounds a bit pompous, at least to me. Building something through my words never fails to thrill me, but I wouldn’t say I like to attach a defined role to it. I think the lack of pressure on my younger self […]

Writing a personal narrative: 3 things you need to know

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Writing a personal narrative is probably one of the most enjoyable writing assignments. People, by nature, are very fond of talking about themselves and sharing their experiences as a part of a text, and this is what this type of writing requires of you. Whether you’re a beginner blogger and share your life story with […]

ChatGPT is Not the End of Writing

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ChatGPT is Not the End of Writing A longtime university president and writing expert advises against banning the new AI bot — but to use it to teach more effective thinking that is purely human A Writer’s Resource, my co-authored college writing textbook, is about to be published in its seventh edition. While finishing the […]

Humans are still better than bots at writing. Here’s why.

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I was sitting poolside at a San Juan, Puerto Rico, resort bar, minding my own business, when ChatGPT settled into a barstool next to mine and ordered a pina colada. It was a bold move, considering the sun was not yet over the yardarm, as we like to say in the islands. I took another […]

“Writing On The Edge” Is Anthology of Alaska Stories


David James, editor of the Alaskan literature anthology “Writing on the Edge,” during a signing at Title Wave Books on March 4. James will be at Barnes & Noble in Fairbanks this Saturday from 1 to 3. PHOTO BY Karen Jensen Alaska means different things to different people. A new anthology of 33 Alaska stories, […]

There are many ways to fight writer’s block, find inspiration

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Don’t feel like writing? Join the club. Sometimes life is too busy, and our brains are too crowded with schedules, appointments and commitments. Sometimes we lack ideas or confidence. A clear mind allows room for inspiration, but how can we banish the mental detritus? Nature can nurture, so heading for an unpeopled locale can be […]

The 5 Best Sites and Online Tools to Help You Write Song Lyrics

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The songwriting process can be difficult, and when you’re struggling to come up with the words, you can get demotivated to carry on. Whether you’re struggling to expand your song idea or you need a fresh one, there’s always a way to deal with writer’s block. Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with writer’s […]

AI Writing Tools for Creative Writing and Fiction: Unleash Your Imagination and Write Like a Pro


AI writing tools have the potential to revolutionize the way we write and create fiction. These tools use artificial intelligence and natural language processing to assist writers in various aspects of the writing process, such as character development, plot structure, and language usage. Using AI writing tools, writers can improve their writing productivity, overcome writer’s […]

AI chatbots learned to write before they could learn to think

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The internet can’t stop talking about an AI program that can write such artful prose that it seems to pass the Turing Test. College students are writing papers with it, internet marketers are using it to write marketing copy , and numerous others are just having earnest and fun conversations with it about the meaning […]

Knights Write Showcase Celebrates Student Writing and Research Across the University

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Students presented their work at the Knight Write Showcase. What is humanity’s most important invention? Some might say vaccines, electricity or the internet. But each of those technologies was the result of thousands of years’ worth of communication through language. Language is how we come to understand the world and ourselves. Though often invisible, it […]

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