Author Tish Delaney: ‘I find writing the dark stuff quite therapeutic’


Tish Delaney Co Tyrone author Tish Delaney is excited about her upcoming appearance at the Belfast International Arts Festival. On October 19, in an already sold out show, she will be in conversation with Limerick author Donal Ryan. “It’s such a delightful thing to think about. I’m a huge fan of his books,” says Tish. […]

Dear Craig Finn: here are some women writers you should read.


Craig Finn is the lead singer of a band called The Hold Steady and I have always loved his songwriting. Finn is something like a poet laureate of Midwestern malaise, extracting tragicomic pathos from a particular kind of exurban fuckery that speaks to my southern Ontario upbringing. So many of Finn’s songs are like perfectly […]

Meredith Noble Is Modernizing How Grant Writing Is Taught. Here’s How.

Social Media / Community Strategist

Meredith Noble, Co-Founder and CEO of Learn Grant Writing , is helping those ready for a career change become paid grant writers so they have the flexibility to build a life they love. After quitting her corporate job, Meredith started her self-employment journey but quickly realized she didn’t have a business model to keep her […]

Writing poems and avoiding wasps on the porch


Johnny Bender is past board president of Inlandia Institute, a longtime poet and retired journalist. Photographed on Mar. 07, 2012. (File photo by Michael Leone, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) By Johnny Bender | Contributing writer When I write poems or stories, I like to sit alone on the front porch in the cool morning, drinking coffee and […]

Literary journal in flames after interview with Spectator writer

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All is not well at the literary journal Hobart Pulp , Cockburn has learned — and it’s all down to one of our mischievous Spectator contributors. His words have caused violence, apparently, as nearly the entire staff of the journal have resigned in protest. Last month, Alex Perez sat down with Hobart Pulp ‘s top […]

Dissent is Sexy

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Courtesy of Dissent Anthology Romance novelists are a charitable group: Authors often band together and publish short story anthologies to benefit various causes. So when the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade in June and ended decades of the constitutional right to abortion, romance writers immediately rallied in online communities. All proceeds from the sale […]

San Diego Writers Festival: A Literary Success of Words Galore

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Book lovers and writers got to experience an amazing free literary event at the San Diego Writers Festival held here in Coronado on Saturday, October 8. Now in its fourth year, the first one was held in 2019 at the San Diego Downtown Library, with the next two years online, and this year, back in […]

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