Hill Country Authors Podcast – Karen Jones – Writing Historical Fiction

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Welcome to the Hill Country Authors podcast. In this episode, I visit award-winning author Karen Jones, who writes in the historical fiction genre. Some of the highlights include: Growing up in Bakersfield, CA, how did that influence her writing? What led Karen to write as and novelist as a profession? What brought Karen and your […]

Three methods to chip away your writer’s block

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Lifestyle Yvonne Tang | Senior Graphic Artist Maybe it’s midterm season, and you have a million different papers that are due, or maybe you write for a publication on campus and can’t think of any new ideas for what to write.You’re experiencing writer’s block and feel as if you can’t move past the title of […]

Southwest Michigan Writers’ Conference at the Niles District Library

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Novelists, bloggers, and beginners alike are invited to attend the Southwest Michigan Writers’ Conference , this Saturday, October 22nd, at the Niles District Library beginning at 10 a.m. This all-day event is a joint effort between six area libraries, where presenters will break down the steps to successful writing and publishing, “to empower local writers.” […]

“The Bipolar Express” is available at WC Bookstore

Social Media / Community Strategist

The late Christopher Hitchens, remembered as an intellectual and influential journalist possessed of a quick mind and capacity for cynical derision, is still quoted, “Everyone has a book in them and that, in most cases, is where it should stay.” Wildly successful novelist Jody Picoult, known for building a dramatic storyline around moral dilemma, reportedly […]

Carmen Callil, pioneering champion of female writers, dies aged 84


‘I’m just not a collective, what-a-nice-book-you-want-me-to-publish, we’re-all-sisters-under-the-skin kind of person’ … Carmen Callil. Carmen Callil, the publisher and writer who championed female writers and transformed the canon of English literature, has died of leukemia in London on Monday aged 84. The news was confirmed by her agent. Callil began as a campaigning outsider, founding the […]

LOTR: Rings Of Power Episode 8 Review


As the epic first season of Lord of the Rings prequel Rings of Power comes to a close, many questions were answered while others have just been raised. Writer and Executive Producer Gennifer Hutchinson brings a life of fandom and plenty of talent to this season and the ones to come. Rings of Power had […]

Readers & Writers: Mysteries, murders and thrillers in new releases

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We’ve got additions to mystery series’ today, as well as non-fiction about a sensational 19th-century murder case. We’ll start with the most anticipated — John Sandford’s 32nd Prey thriller and two thrillers by Brian Freeman, including his 11th featuring Duluth cop Jonathan Stride. “Righteous Prey ” by John Sandford (Putnam, $29.95) Lucas Davenport and Virgil […]

Reflections on 35 Years of Travel Writing

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Sheep graze on little-known Stewart Island off the coast of South New Zealand. (Photo courtesy of Daniela Constantinescu, Dreamstime.com) Travel When my 15-year-old granddaughter, Talya, asked me what my favorite destination was, I had to take a minute. After 35 years as a travel writer, my usual answer to that question is wherever I’ve been […]

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