“Technical Writing Excellence in the Life Sciences – A Masterclass”

This virtual seminar will begin with a general discussion of technical writing and its role within the life sciences. Technical writers produce a variety of technical documents that are required to manage and direct regulated operations and to meet regulatory requirements. The seminar will spend some time discussing those document types, their importance, and the consequences of the messages being unclear or misunderstood. After setting the stage for this content, it delves into the writing process beginning with the audience and how the audience must be analyzed to determine the level of writing that must be employed to complete the document. Gathering the information to be included in the technical document requires collaboration between the writer and the various subject matter experts who possess the knowledge to be harvested. How that information is gathered can be an effective efficient process or an ineffective time-consuming endeavor all dependent upon the techniques employed to execute the activity. We will address the most effective techniques for extracting information from SMEs as well as those techniques that work best when observing procedures and activities to be documented. We will end this webinar with the mechanics of technical writing ranging from planning and organizing the content through grammar, spelling, and punctuation ending with writing simplification. WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND: Even with the advent of technology, we still communicate with the written word. Technical writing is about conveying information quickly, accurately, clearly, and succinctly. How we communicate, how we are understood, and how the message is received directly depends upon our skills as technical writers. In the life sciences, this skill is exceedingly important. In the life sciences, the stakes are high in terms of the writing’s ability to enable 100% accurate understanding of the content and where applicable, performance of the task or procedure documented. In the life sciences, that could mean the difference between life or death, safety or injury, loss or recovery, contamination or purity, success or failure. Unfortunately, technical writing is not a skill […]

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