Want to create great characters in your writing? Try this

‘This week in Second Saturday Stories I want to focus on an element of writing, rather than the writing itself if you’ll permit me’ Second Saturday Stories Title Image I want to make my characters jump off the page. I know many writers who share this desire. Because let’s face it, if you don’t have a memorable, respectable, or even likable character, your reader will lose interest in the story pretty quickly. This week in Second Saturday Stories I want to focus on an element of writing, rather than the writing itself if you’ll permit me. One of the biggest hurdles I’ve had to overcome is creating characters that are original without making them seem two-dimensional (read boring). That’s not to say that original characters won’t borrow a few traits depending on the archetypes involved with the genre you are writing in. What do I mean by this? Before I give you an example I want to explain the two keywords I mentioned A genre is a category of writing that stories fall into. They have specific elements that are exclusive to their particular genres such as time period, style, and tone. Think of the genre almost like a road map of rules writers can get away with. Examples of genres are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery (this writer’s clear favourite), and Horror. Sometimes you can mix these genres to create your story, but that’s a conversation for another time. For example, if I wanted to write a story involving knights […]

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