Writing still matters in the age of artificial intelligence

Design by Matthew Prock. Writing is hard. As an English major and student journalist, I am painfully aware of this fact. I am reminded of it every single time I sit in front of my computer, fingers hovering over my keyboard as I wait (far longer than I care to admit) for inspiration to strike. I am reminded of it with each taunting blink of my cursor, click of my “delete” button and — on the rare occasions I write in a notebook — pen-line drawn through an unfinished sentence. Even for those of us who engage in the activity frequently, writing is hard; but its difficulty does not negate its importance or excuse relying exclusively on artificial intelligence for written content. It is no secret that since recent developments in artificial intelligence, many have turned to it for help revising and creating written content. Easy-to-use AI such as ChatGPT provide a much simpler alternative to laboring over an essay or important email; one can simply supply a chat box with a handful of sentences and watch the assignment or message in question quite literally write itself. Of course, such systems can also help users with more specific tasks such as topic selection or revision of existing work, making them truly versatile applications. Given AI’s impressive capabilities and the trials associated with writing, it’s easy to dismiss the stress of writing as unnecessary. But even with the ubiquitous presence of AI writing software, writing remains an exceedingly important skill and practice. Writing not only leads to a number of cognitive and functional benefits , but also serves as an essential form of communication between individuals. Its devaluation also poses a threat to the quality of available literature, making it all the more important. In the words of Frank Bruni, a New York Times Opinion writer , “writing is thinking.” It is not merely the act of stringing words together to form sentences, but also a process through which we develop and scrutinize our ideas. Writing requires us to express thoughts in a concise, logical manner, which in turn pushes […]

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