Pan-Atlantic University releases dates for its writing programmes

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Pan-Atlantic University has released dates for its writing, communication, and branding programs. These programs will be held at the main Campus of the Pan-Atlantic University, Ibeju Lekki, Lagos by the School of Media and Communication (SMC). The following are the courses offered, commencement dates, and fees; THE WRITING CLINIC The next edition of the 4-Day […]

Top 10 Tips on Writing a Properly Flawed Main Character


Creating a compelling main character is essential to any work of fiction, but creating a character that is perfectly good in every way can be a recipe for a dull story. That’s why it’s important to make your main character flawed. By making your main character flawed, you can create tension, conflict, and depth that […]

Living the writing life means living with failure


Writing is a hard way to make a living, which is why a whole ecosystem exists to help you feel like you’re succeeding at it. Hashtags like #amwriting provide steady pep talks for people wading through the muck of a first draft. Dubious-seeming ads on Facebook peddle frictionless methods for selling thousands of copies of […]

Writing a personal narrative: 3 things you need to know

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Writing a personal narrative is probably one of the most enjoyable writing assignments. People, by nature, are very fond of talking about themselves and sharing their experiences as a part of a text, and this is what this type of writing requires of you. Whether you’re a beginner blogger and share your life story with […]

Humans are still better than bots at writing. Here’s why.

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I was sitting poolside at a San Juan, Puerto Rico, resort bar, minding my own business, when ChatGPT settled into a barstool next to mine and ordered a pina colada. It was a bold move, considering the sun was not yet over the yardarm, as we like to say in the islands. I took another […]

Who will survive the AI writing revolution?


Of journalism and artificial intelligence, “only those who create the best original content will survive,” says the CEO of German media group Axel Springer, which owns Bild and Die Welt. Mathias Deopfner said this in a letter to staff but you’ll forgive me for having read it as being shouted in a German accent to […]

The 5 Best Sites and Online Tools to Help You Write Song Lyrics

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The songwriting process can be difficult, and when you’re struggling to come up with the words, you can get demotivated to carry on. Whether you’re struggling to expand your song idea or you need a fresh one, there’s always a way to deal with writer’s block. Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with writer’s […]

6 Accountability Tools for Writers to Keep the Words Flowing

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Whether you’re freelancing, blogging, or crafting fiction, writing is often a challenging task. Coping with writer’s block–or even garden-variety procrastination–can slow the progress. Here are several accountability tools for writers to help you stay on track and keep the words flowing. 1. Use Time-Tracking Tools. Commit to writing a certain number of hours each day […]

Give Your Inner Voice A Life Through Creative Writing

Social Media / Community Strategist

When I started writing, I constantly worried about the form, style, and words I chose for my thoughts. Putting your thoughts into words is daunting, especially if you are a beginner. Please do not assume that I have written novels, dramas, and articles and got them published and I got enough knowledge to distribute them […]

How to free your writing with free writing

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Timed free-writing — no stopping, no correcting, no fretting — can leapfrog mental paralysis to a “shitty” but valuable first draft of Korrina Duffy’s free-write notebook. Pen poised. Go! Free writing is for when you need to write the damn thing already. If you, like many, have a bad case of blank page syndrome, free […]

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